How to Meditate for Self Realization

How to Meditate for Self Realization

Meditation has many benefits, including relaxation, lowered blood pressure, clearer thinking and a feeling of connection to something greater than ourselves. One reason to meditate is to achieve self realization. Our ego and soul become integrated and stop working at cross purposes in our lives. Follow these steps to meditate for self realization.


Find a quiet place where you can meditate daily. If you do it at the same time every day, it will become a habit and be easier to maintain.


Sit in a chair or other comfortable seat where your spine is straight. It isn't necessary to sit on the floor cross-legged.


Close your eyes and envision a white light from above coming down through your body. All negativity is being cleansed from you as the white light moves through your body, down into the earth. Know that the light is protects you as you meditate.


Focus on your breathing and take deep breaths into your diaphragm or upper stomach area and fill up your lungs. As you focus on your breathing, your mind is emptied of all thoughts.


Continue breathing deeply and be aware of any bodily sensations you may have. You are practicing being at one with your self, realizing your self and integrating your mind, soul and spirit. You are living fully in the present.


Practice your meditation daily until it becomes second nature. Do your meditation for as long as you like, as long as you continue to receive joy.