How to Use Objects to Aid in Meditation

How to Use Objects to Aid in Meditation

Meditation is an ancient discipline that focuses the mind. Objects ranging from special crystals to beads or flowers to landscape paintings can be used in meditation to increase concentration, aid your visualizations or pay homage to ruling deities. Use any of the enormous range of meditation techniques that many people claim is a fine way to fight stress, increase relaxation and promote overall health of body and soul.

Things You'll Need:

Scented candles and/or sticks of incense (optional)

Computer with Internet access

Meditation beads (optional)

Flowers (optional)

Meditation crystals (optional)

Pictures or statues of important deities (optional)

Tips & Warnings

Costs involved in the use of objects to aid in meditation can range from negligible, for things like flowers, to expensive, for objects like high-quality sets of meditation crystals.

The practice of any form of meditation may create health benefits such as stress reduction and more restful sleep, but it is not intended to replace the care of a doctor. If you experience a sharp increase in your anxiety level, fall into deep depression or have unexplained abdominal discomfort, you may have a stress-related illness that requires immediate medical attention.